Step 7: Attract Opportunities

10 steps to living an abundant life Apr 07, 2020

“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it works every time with every person.” – Bob Proctor

As we grow in each of the seven pillars of life - finance, fitness, friends, family, faith, field and fun – we are cultivating a balanced, attractive life.

For all the intentional work you do to build an abundant life, this principle comes as a bonus!

Being an attractive person - someone who lives with an abundant mindset - will draw attractive things their way! Examples of ‘attractive things’ could be healthy relationships, opportunities to excel, new avenues to impact society, financial breakthrough and wealth.

This principle of attraction can be used in our favor when we are living lives of abundance. This cycle will gain momentum as we continue setting new goals, acting out good habits and are willing to risk leaving our comfort zones.

Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. Have you ever been in a room full of people and watched as a group forms a conversation circle where every person wants to complain about the same things? They are people who have never met before and maybe you wonder – How on earth did they all happen to find each other? Just as opportunities are attracted to an abundant life, negativity attracts more negativity.

The good news is we get to choose our mindset. We are not born optimist or pessimist. We have the privilege of making a choice about our perspective every moment of the day.

Choose hope. Expect the best. Choose an abundant mindset.

“Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”
— Matthew 7:7