Step 6: Develop Healthy Habits

10 steps to living an abundant life Mar 31, 2020

We are what we love. What do you love? A careful look at habits will help answer this question.

We may find the things we THINK we love are not always the things our lives SHOW we love.

For example, we might agree with the idea of exercise and believe in the benefits but in fact we LOVE the couch.

If we want to change our ‘loves’ we have to start with a conscious decision to adjust our life choices.

We all have habits. The question is, are they habits that are building the life we want, or habits that are building something else entirely? We’ve heard the old adage “Rome wasn’t built in a day”. It was built one brick at a time. Our habits are individual bricks that build our lives.

Take an honest look at daily habits. Get down to the smallest details. The more frequently we perform a task, the less aware of it we are. Take driving as an example. Remember the first days of driving? Thinking through each step of the process, wondering how people make staying between the lines look so effortless, the way your heart raced the first time you merged on to a freeway. And now? As a seasoned driver you can arrive at a destination with very little conscious thought given to the details of driving. The particulars involved in driving have become habit and habits eventually happen without thought or attention.

What has become a habit in our lives? Which habits are bringing us closer to our goals and dreams and which need to be removed from our lives?

Eventually new habits will come as naturally as the old ones. These build the momentum that will propel us into our dreams.

Not sure what new habits to form? Find someone who is doing things you dream of doing. Watch them. Ask them. Copy them. Stick around them until their habits seem normal to you.